Many types of shrubs are grown against walls because they:‑
Break up expanses of brickwork etc.
Provide attraction on dull areas of walls - berries, flowers etc.
Cover eyesores
Make use of shelter provided by walls for tender shrubs
There are three basic forms of climbing shrubs
Self clinging subjects i.e. Hedera
Natural climbers, having tendrils or twining, e.g. Lonicera.
Non climbers. i.e.Pyracantha
These can be split into three further groups:
a) Permanent framework trained to wall e.g. Chaenomeles
b) Weak stemmed shrubs which benefit from some support e.g. Escallonia
c) Strong growing shrubs which benefit from protection e.g. Abelia.
Planting Wall Shrubs
As with shrubs in general, but in many cases it is necessary to remove hard surfaces and prepare planting pits of adequate size. These are then filled with a suitable compost for the species being planted. In many cases, it is beneficial to plant the shrub 9‑12" (225‑300 mm) from the base of the wall.
Training Young Shrubs
For the majority of wall shrubs some form of framework will be required e.g. groups 2, 3a, 3b. This can be provided in the following ways
A rigid framework supported off the wall.
A flexible netting attached to the wall.
A series of wires held off the wall by special eyes.
A series of wooden laths nailed to the wall.By using masonry nails to tie in shrubs.
True Climbing Wall Shrubs
Self Clinging subjects
Euonymus radicans - evergreen, variegated leaves autumn colour use in any site
Hedera spps. - hardy evergreen, variegated leaves, causes no damage to sound" walls
Hydrangea petiolaris - white flowers in June & July. Do not plant on south walls
Parthenocissus quinquefolia - Virginia Creeper, good autumn colour. Any aspect
Schizophragma hydrangoides - rose pink flowers in June and July, best on old walls and stumps etc.
Pruning Self Cling Wall Shrubs
There are two methods of pruning these subjects:‑
a) Clip over whole surface once or twice before growth commences and during the season this keeps the wall evenly furnished.
b) No regular pruning so allowing mature branches to form, pruning only being carried out where branches become too large.
Note:‑ Hydrangea petiolaris flowers on short spurs of mature wood therefore these should only be pruned when they become too large otherwise few flowers will be produced.
Subjects Which cAn Be Hard Trained Against Walls and Fences
This is often achieved by tying them to some support system many are in fact natural climbers and may be used to ramble over old trees pergolas etc.
Natural Climbers
Clematis montana - White‑pink flowers in spring. Grow over trellis arch in sun with roots in shade (2)(5)
Clematis jackmanii - Blue‑pink flowers. Train over arch in sun, roots in shade (3)
Eccremocarpus scaber - Evergreen, orange flowers. Grow in shady position on wires (5)(3)
Jasminum officinale - Scented white flowers summer. All aspects
Lonicera periclymenum - Red/white flowers, scented. Pergola or arch flowers on old wood (2)
Lonicera japonica - Red/white flowers scented. Pergola flowers on new wood (3)
Lapageria rosea - Red flowers late summer, not entirely hardy, needs protection of a wall (5)
Passiflora caerulea - Blue white flowers in summer. Not entirely hardy (4)
Self Clinging Subjects
Polygonum baldschuanicum - Cream flowers fast growing. Any site
Rosa spp. - White/red flowers thorny stems. Any site
Solanum crispum - Purple/yellow flowers Aug/Sept. Full sun
Wisteria sinensis - Lilac flowers. Any site
Vitis spp. - Autumn colours and fruits. Any site
Methods of Pruning Natural Climbers
Most of the shrubs listed above can be divided into one of 5 groups for pruning purposes.
Those which are pruned back to a definite frame‑work and spur system e.g. Wisteria, shorten any long laterals to 5 buds in summer. In February shorten laterals to 2 buds to induce flowering. This method contains any long growths which would otherwise obstruct paths etc.
Those which are pruned annually after flowering by taking out old wood to encourage production of young flowering wood e.g. Lonicera, difficult to carry out.
Those which are pruned hard back each year often near to the ground e.g. Clematis jackmanii cvs. prune in spring after winter as buds swell.
Those which gain height by scandent habit e.g. Rosa species where old wood is replaced by new young growths, also true of Forsythia suspensa pruning is usually carried out after flowering it is in fact a semi-permanent frame‑work.
Those which require little pruning to control size only.
Non Climbers Against Walls and Fences
These can be classified according to habit.
a) Those with a permanent framework trained fanwise on the wall.
Chaenomeles spp. - Red‑pink flowers and fruits. Any site
Cotoneaster spp. - Flowers and berries. Any site
Pyracantha spp. - Flowers and berries. Any site
Pruning of these subjects consists of summer pruning laterals to one third of their length as the stem hardens these are later pruned back to 2‑3 buds during the winter.
b) Weaker stemmed shrubs which need some support against a wall
Ceanothus spp. - Pink or blue flowers in spring. Southwest walls
Escallonia spp. - Pink flowers in summer. Not on east walls
Forsythia suspensa - Yellow spring flowers. Any site
Jasminum nudiflorum - Yellow spring flowers. Any site
Some shrubs in this group such as Escallonia require shelter provided by warmer walls, i.e. south and west facing. Although not entirely necessary, some form of support allows control over the plant. Pruning in general is carried out after flowering to control overall size as required.
c) Strong growing shrubs grown in the vicinity of a wall
This group generally contains tender shrubs and these can normally only be grown on south or west facing walls in the milder areas of Britain.
Abelia floribunda - Red flowers in June. South and west walls only
Camellia japonica - Evergreen, pink or red flowers. North walls
Garrya elliptica - Evergreen and catkins.
Magnolia grandiflora - Cream flowers. South and west walls
Viburnum grandiflorum - Pink flowers November-January. Sunny walls only
Pruning is only carried out to contain overall size of shrub by removing unwanted old wood.
Climbers Suitable For North And East Aspects
Aristolochia macrophylla - Not suitable for east facing walls
Azara microphylla - Yellow flowers, March-April
Berberidopsis corallina - Deep rich red flowers, July onwards
Celastrus scandens - Vigorous and twining. Startling fruits in autumn.
Chaenomeles in variety
Clematis varieties - Large flowered
Clematis miscellaneous species & varieties (See Fact Sheet 1)
Cotoneaster horizontalis - Small glossy leaves. Scarlet berries
Cotoneaster lacteus - Orange red fruits persisting all winter
salicifolius - Scarlet berries in autumn
Escallonia varieties - Unsuitable for east facing walls
Euonymus varieties - All self clinging climbers
Euonymus fortunei (forms) - 4‑5 m + when trained. Densely leafed
E.'Colorata' - Leaves crimson purple throughout winter
E.'Silver Queen'- Climbs slowly to 2‑3m by 1.5m
E.'Vegeta' - Similar to fortunei with mid‑green broadly ovate leaves
Forsythia suspensa - Golden yellow flowers March-April
Garrya elliptica - Silky catkins in mid‑winter
Hedera canariensis 'Variegata'- 3.5 by 3.5m Silver and white variegated
H. colchica - 4‑5m by 4m. Dark matt green leaves
H. 'Dentata Aurea' - 3m by 3m. Soft green leaves with yellow variegation
H. helix 'Buttercup'- 2m by 2m. Bright golden leaves
H. h.'Caenwoodiana'- 3m by 3m. Dark green leaves with white veins
H. h.'Gold Heart' - 3 by 3m. Rich green leaves with yellow centre
H. hibernica - 4m by 4m. Large dark green leaves
Hydrangea petiolaris - Self clinging white flowers June-July
Jasminum nudiflorum - Bright yellow flowers November-March. Avoid east walls
J.officinale 'Grandiflorum' - Sweet scented white flowers in summer
Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora' - Bright green stems Double yellow flowers April/May
Lonicera x americana - Vigorous. Scented flowers white deepening to yellow June/September
Lonicera japonica 'Aureoreticulata'- Leaves netted by golden yellow veins
Parthenocissus - Autumn colours of dazzling red or crimson hues
Polygonum baldschuanicum - Covered in cream flowers in July/October. Rampant.
Pyracantha varieties - Berry bearing.
P. angustifolia - Not suitable
Vitis - Vigorous climbers with brilliant autumn colours
Climbers For South And East Walls
Abeliophyllum distichum - Almond scented flowers in February/March
Abutilon megapotamicum - Exotic looking lantern flowers April onwards
A. vitifolium - Leaves covered with white down. Mauve flowers June/July
Acacia dealbata - Pinnate leaves with silvery sheen/. Fluffy yellow flowers
Actinidia chinensis - Cream coloured flowers July/August
A. kolomikta - Large leaves starting green then assuming cream and pink hues
Akebia quinata - Vigorous twining, deep green leaves
Aristolochia macrophylla - Vigorous twiner bright green leaves
Azara microphylla - Yellow flowers March/April. Frond‑like leaves
Buddleia colvilei - Deep rose flowers with white throat. June flowering
B. fallowiana 'Alba' - Long silvery green leaves. White flowers July/August
Campsis grandiflora - Lush foliage. Orange and red trumpets August onwards
Ceanothus varieties - Fluffy blue flowers
Chimonanthus - Sweetly scented yellow or ivory flowers in winter
Clematis in variety - Ideal for west facing wall
Clianthus puniceus 'Red Cardinal' - Luxuriantly leafy evergreens
Cytisus battandieri - Golden yellow pineapple scented flowers in summer
Eccremocarpus scaber - Orange red flowers June onwards
Escallonia varieties - Flowers from white to deep red
Ficus carica - Huge leaves brown to purple figs. Vigorous
Fremontodendron californicum - Bright yellow flowers all summer
Fuchsia in variety - Thrive at the foot of sunny walls
Hebe - All thrive at foot of sunny walls and can provide cool root runs for Clematis
H. 'Great Orme' - Bright pink flowers July/October
H. 'Midsummer Beauty' - Lavender spikes all summer
H. speciosa - Flowers August/October
H. 'Gauntlettii' - Rose pink flowers
H. 'Veitchii' - Deep purple
Humulus lupulus 'Aureus' - Golden Hop. Deeply lobed soft yellow leaves
Hydrangea petiolaris - Not suitable for south walls
Itea ilicifolia - Greenish white fragrant flowers. August
Leptospermum scoparium 'Nichollsii' - Bright crimson May/June
L.s.'Red Damask' - Cherry and red flowers May/June
Lippia citriodora - Lemon scented leaves when crushed. Mauve flowers
Lonicera 'Dropmore Scarlet' - Flowers bright scarlet July/Oct
L.x tellmanniana - Clusters of golden yellow flowers June/July
Magnolia grandiflora 'Exmouth' - Richly scented cream flowers July to September
Myrtus - Myrtle. Fragrant white flowers
Passiflora caerulea - Flowers June-Sept.
Phygelius capensis - Scarlet flowers July-September
Piptanthus laburnifolius - Dark leaves, yellow flowers May-June
Prunus triloba 'Multiplex' - Double pink flowers in spring
Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin' - Purple blue flowers July-October
Trachelospermum jasminoides - Scented white flowers July-August
Viburnum burkwooddii - Fragrant white corymbs April-May
V.b.'Park Farm Variety' - As above
Vitis - Vigorous climbers brilliant autumn colours
Wisteria - Fast growing twiners May-June
Self -Clinging Subjects - No Support Required
Euonymus fortunei forms - Reaches 4 ‑ 5 m
E. 'Colorata' - Crimson purple blue foliage in winter
E. 'Silver Queen' - Silver variegated foliage
E. 'Vegetus' - Orange berries in autumn
Hedera canariensis 'Variegata' - Silver and white variegated leaves
H. colchica - Dark matt green leaves
H. 'Dentata Aurea' - Soft green leaves with yellow variegation
H. helix 'Buttercup' - Bright golden leaves
H. h.'Caenwoodiana' - Dark green leaves with white veins
H. h. 'Gold Heart' - Rich green leaves with yellow centre
H. h. hibernica - Large dark green leaves
Hydrangea petiolaris - Flat heads white flowers June/July
Parthenocissus - Autumn colours of dazzling red or crimson hues
Twiners (No tying is Necessary)
Abutilon megapotanicum - Flowers April onwards
Actinidia chinensis - Cream coloured flowers July/August
Actinidia kolomikta - Large leaves starting green then cream and pink variegations
Akebia quinata - Vigorous. Large deep green leaves
Aristolochia macrophylla - Vigorous. Very large bright green leaves
Celastrus scandens - Vigorous. Startling fruits in autumn
Clematis varieties - Large flowered
Clematis - miscellaneous species & varieties
Eccremocarpus scaber - Orange red tubular flowers June
Humulus lupulus 'Aureus' - Golden Hop. Deeply lobed soft yellow leaves
Jasminum nudiflorum - Bright yellow flowers Nov-March
J. officinale 'Grandiflorum' - Scented white flowers in summer
J. x stephanese - Scented pale pink flowers June-August
Lonicera x americana - Vigorous, scented white-yellow flowers
L. 'Dropmore Scarlet' - Scarlet tubular flowers July-October
L. japonica 'Aureo-reticulata' - Leaves netted by golden yellow veins
L. j.'Halliana' - Sweet scented flowers June-October
L. j.repens - Scented flowers June-October
L. periclymenum 'Belgica' - Scented flowers May-July
L. p. 'Serontina' - Flowers similar to 'Belgica' July-Sept.
Passiflora caerulea - Flowers June-Sept. Orange fruits
Polygonum baldschuanicum - Vigorous. Cream flowers July-October
Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin'- Purple flowers. July-October
Vitis - Vigorous climbers brilliant autumn colours
Wisteria floribunda 'Rosea' - Pale pink flowers May-June
W. sinensis - Mauve-purple flowers May-June
W. venusta - White flower trusses May-June
Vigorous Climbers
Actinidia chinensis - Large leaves, cream flowers. July-Aug
Akebia quinata - Twining climbers up to 8m.
Berberidopsis corallina - Red flowers July onwards
Campsis grandiflora - Lush foliage. Orange-red trumpets from August. 6-7m by 4m
Celastrus scandens - 6-8m. Twining stems, startling fruits in autumn
Clematis varieties - Large flowered
Clianthus puniceus 'Red Cardinal' - Leafy evergreen
Hedera colchica - Persian Ivy. Large dark leaves
H. hibernica - Irish Ivy. Five lobed large leaves
Jasminum nudiflorum - Bright yellow flowers Nov-March
J.officinale 'Grandiflorum' - Scented flowers in summer
J. x stephanese - Twining up to 4-5 m. Scented pale pink flowers June-Aug.
Lonicera x americana - 6-8 m. Scented flowers June-Sept
L. 'Dropmore Scarlet' - 3-4 m. Scarlet flowers July-October
L. japonica 'Halliana' - Sweet scented flowers June-October
L. repens - Scented flowers June-October
L. periclymenum 'Belgica' - Scented flowers May-June
L. 'Serontina' - Flowers similar to 'Belgica'
Parthenocissus henryana - Climbs by tendrils and adhesive pads.
P.quinquefolia - Virginian Creeper. 7 x 6m. Scarlet foliage in autumn
P.tricuspidata 'Veitchii' - 7 x 6m brilliant autumn colour
Passiflora caerulea - 4 x 3m. Flowers June-September. Orange fruits in autumn
Polygonum baldschuanicum - Rampant grower, up to 6 m per year.
Vitis coignetiae - 9m. Huge leaves. Autumn colour
V. vivifera 'Brandt' - Hardy fruiting vine. Autumn colour, sweet grapes
V. 'Purpurea' - 8 m. Claret leaves turning purple later
Wisteria floribunda 'Rosea' - Pink flowers May-June
W. sinensis - Mauve to purple flowers
W. venusta - White flower trusses
Shrubs Benefitting From The Protection of Wall or Fence
Abeliophyllum distichum - Almond scented flowers Feb-March
Abutilon megapotanicum - Flowers April onwards
Acacia dealbata - Leaves with silvery sheen. Fluffy yellow flowers
Azara microphylla - Yellow flowers March/April
Buddleia colvilei - Deep rose flowers with white throat. June
B.fallowiana 'Alba' - Pure white flowers July/August
Carpenteria californica - Large white flowers with golden anthers June/July
Ceanothus varieties - Evergreens with fluffy blue flowers
Chimonanthus - Sweetly scented flowers produced during winter months
Cytisus battandieri - Golden yellow pineapple scented flowers in July
Escallonia varieties - Flowers from white to deep red
Fremontodendron californicum - Yellow flowers all summer
Garrya elliptica - Silky catkins in mid‑winter
Hebe angustifolia 'Great Orme' - Bright pink flowers July/October
H. Fairfieldii - 1.2 by 1m. Dwarfer and sturdier than H. bulkeana
H. 'Midsummer Beauty' - Lavender spikes throughout summer
H. speciosa - Flowers August/October
H. 'Gauntlettii' - Rose pink flowers
H. 'Veitchii' - Deep purple
Itea ilicifolia - Greenish‑white fragrant flowers August
Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora' - Bright green stems. Double yellow flowers April/May
Leptospermum scoparium Nichollsii - Bright crimson flowers May-June
L.'Red Damask' - Cherry red flowers May/June
Lippia citriodora - Lemon‑scented leaves when crushed. Mauve flowers
Magnolia grandiflora 'Exmouth' - Richly scented cream flowers July/September
Myrtus - Fragrant white flowers July/September
Phygelius capensis - Miniature scarlet flowers July/September
Prunus triloba 'Multiplex' - Double pink flowers early March/early April
Pyracantha varieties - Handsome berry‑bearing evergreen spiny shrubs
Rhapiolepis - Pink flowers June/July and intermittently throughout the year
Robinia hispida 'Rosea' - Attractive pinnate foliage
Senecio cineraria - Silver foliage gem
Viburnum burkwoodii - Fragrant white corymbs April/May
V.'Park Farm Hybrid' - Flowering as above, but more spreading habit
Climbers For Pergolas
Celastrus scandens - Vigorous twining stems. Startling fruits in autumn
Clematis varieties - Large flowered
Jasminum nudiflorum - Bright yellow flowers November/March
J. officinale 'Grandiflorum' - Sweet scented white flowers in summer
J. x stephanense - Scented pale pink flowers June/August
Lonicera x americana - Vigorous. White flowers deepening to yellow June/September
L. japonica 'Aureo-reticulata' - Leaves netted by golden veins
L. j.'Halliana' - Sweet scented flowers June-October
L. j.repens - Scented flowers June-October
L. periclymenum 'Belgica' - Scented flowers May-July
L. p. 'Serotina' - Similar flowers to 'Belgica' in July-Sept.
L. tellmanniana - Golden yellow flowers June-July
Roses - Please see Fact Sheet 136
Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin' - Purple blue flowers July-October
Vitis - Vigorous. Brilliant autumn colours.
Climbers With Scented Flowers
Abeliophyllum distichum - Almond scented blush pink florets
Acacia dealbata - Small, scented fluffy yellow balls in April
Actinidia chinensis - Cream flowers in July-August
Azara microphylla - Scented yellow flowers March-April
Clematis flammula - White flowers Aug-September
C. montana - Almond scented flowers in May-June
Chimonanthus - Winter Sweet. Claw like flowers superbly scented
Cytisus battandieri - Pineapple scented yellow flowers
Jasminum officinale 'Grandiflorum' - Scented white flowers in summer
J. x stephanese - Pale pink scented flowers June-August
Lippia citriodora - Lemon scented leaves when crushed. Mauve flowers
Lonicera x americana - Vigorous. White-yellow flowers
L.periclymenum 'Belgica' - Rose-purple and yellow flowers in May-June
L.p.'Serotina' - Similar to 'Belgica' July-Sept.
Pyracantha varieties - Hawthorn like flowers May-June
Trachelospermum jasminoides - White flower clusters July-August
Viburnum burkwoodii - White corymbs April-May
Climbers With Ornamental Fruit
Actinidia chinensis - Edible. Elongated gooseberries in July-August
Akebia quinata - Fleshy, sausage shaped chocolate coloured fruits
Celastrus scandens - Orange seed vessels exposing scarlet seeds
Chaenomeles - All have edible quinces. Golden yellow in autumn
Cotoneaster horizontalis - Scarlet berries
C.lacteus - Orange red fruits persisting all winter
C.salicifolius - Scarlet berries in autumn
Passiflora caerulea - Orange egg-shaped fruits
Pyracantha - All produce berries in winter
P. angustifolia - Orange yellow berries
P. 'Mojave' - Large orange red berries
P. 'Orange Glow' - Bright orange red berries
P. rogersiana - Bright red berries
P.r.'Flava' - Brilliant yellow berries
P.'Soleil d'Or'- Yellow berries
Vitis coignetiae - Small purple grapes
V.vinifera 'Brandt' - Sweet purple grapes ripen early
Climbers which Can Also Be Used As Ground Cover
Clematis in variety - Large flowered. Miscellaneous species and varieties.
Cotoneaster horizontalis - Small glossy leaves. Scarlet berries
Euonymus fortunei - Reaches 4 ‑ 5 m
E. 'Colorata' - Crimson‑purple blue foliage in winter
E.'Silver Queen' - Silver variegated foliage
E.'Vegetus' - Orange berries in autumn
Hydrangea petiolaris - White flowers June/July. Avoid south slopes
Lonicera japonica 'Aureoreticulata'- Golden yellow veining scented flowers June/October
L.j.'Halliana' - Scented flowers June-October
Roses - Please see relevant Fact Sheets
Pyracantha Soleil d'Or - Taller cover afforded by densely leaved evergreens
Sources Of Supply
Although many of these plants are available through good garden centres, the more unusual plants can be found through specialist nurseries supplying climbing plants and in cases of difficulty please refer to The Plant Finder published by the RHS. This excellent publication lists over 75,000 plants and nurseries which supply them. It is published annually and is also available online at the RHS website which is possibly more up to date than an older printed version In this digital age many suppliers can be found online, although you need to be careful of some suppliers offering plants smaller than you would expect compared with visiting a nursery or garden centre.
The information given in this Fact Sheet is provided in good faith. It is however of necessity general information and advice on the topic. Howard Drury will not be under any liability in respect of the provision of such advice and information, and you are strongly advised to seek independent advice on any particular gardening problems or queries you may have, preferably from experts who can (when appropriate) inspect the problem before providing advice.
(C) 2022 This material has been produced by Howard Drury and must not be reproduced in part or full by any method without the written consent of Howard Drury, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B13 0SJ.