Drury Family History

Drury Family History

The Drury Family History

History in Words

We first met in Howard's grandfathers’ workshop in Staunton in Nottinghamshire as young school children and then didn't meet up until in our teens at a family event where Howard's aunty and Andreas god mother Carol Drury reunited them. Following an engagement, they married and moved to Edinburgh where Howard took up a job as a student at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh.


Upon completing the course with Honours, I was offered jobs in Cumbernauld and Birmingham and chose the job of training officer with Birmingham Councils Parks and Recreation department as it would be nearer our families in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire.


I was based in Kings Heath Park and quickly got to know about a gardening television programme that was being made in a corner of the garden by ATV with Cyril Fletcher and Bob Price as hosts.


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