Local, National and International Societies

Local, National and International Societies

There are numerous local, national and International societies associated with horticulture and gardening, I will keep adding to this list as I find good reliable information.


Local to Birmingham


 Hardy Plant Society (West Midlands Group)


The British Cactus and Succulent Society Birmingham and District Branch Meets locally at Winterbourne and currently is holding monthly Zoom meetings


The National Auricula Society (Midlands and West Section) With local meetings in both East and West Midlands




Australian Plant Society, UK based society promoting the growing of Australian and New Zealand plants. The Australasian Plant Society started more than 20 years ago with a small group of individuals meeting to discuss growing Australian plants in the Northern Hemisphere.


The Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland  The BSBI is for everyone who cares about the wild plants of Britain and Ireland. Since 1836, we've been promoting the study, understanding and enjoyment of British and Irish botany. Find out more about us. We support all botanists - beginner or expert, amateur or professional - as they identify, record and map what grows where: our data and knowledge underpin evidence-based conservation of the British and Irish flora.


The Botanical Society of Scotland (BSS) is the national learned society for botanists of Scotland. The Society's aims are to advance knowledge and appreciation of flowering and cryptogamic plants, algae and fungi. The Society's activities[1] include lectures (mainly held in Edinburgh, but also in other Scottish cities), symposia, field excursions, field projects and an annual Scottish Botanist's Conference, held jointly with the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland for exchange of information between botanists working in different areas.


British Clematis Society The British Clematis Society (BCS) exists to promote the cultivation and preservation of clematis. In particular, we aim to encourage all gardeners to grow and enjoy clematis - with the emphasis being on enjoy !


British Fuchsia Society A very informative website for members and non-members


British National Carnation Society So what is the British National Carnation Society all about?  In a word: Culture.  No, not that sort of culture – but culture in the sense of growing, growing the flowers of the three main types of Dianthus – Pinks, Border Carnations and Perpetual-flowering Carnations.


British Pteridological Society The Objects of the Society are to promote all aspects of pteridology by encouraging the appreciation, conservation, cultivation and scientific study of ferns, horsetails, clubmosses and quillworts through publications, meetings, the provision of grants and other appropriate means.


British Streptocarpus Society The Society was formed in September 1999 especially for Streptocarpus (Cape Primrose) growers with small, medium or large collections.  We welcome new members with a wide range of growing knowledge and experience. Members range from beginners with a few plants on their windowsills to expert growers with many years of experience



Cornwall Garden Society  Cornwall Garden Society is all about celebrating the unique beauty of Cornish gardens, exchanging tips, ideas and knowledge, meeting up for lectures and garden visits and, of course, making new friends


Cottage Garden Society The Cottage Garden Society (CGS) is an informal and friendly society of about 3,000 members in many countries, though most are based in the UK. It brings together amateurs and professionals who share an enthusiasm for this type of gardening.


Cyclamen Society Extending our knowledge of Cyclamen and encouraging their cultivation and conservation.


The Daffodil Society is the oldest organisation dedicated to the breeding of daffodils. The goal of the society, which was founded in Birmingham in 1898 as The Midland Daffodil Society, is to promote the breeding of daffodils. However, the society does not register new cultivars, but rather they are registered with the Royal Horticultural Society,


Dublin Garden Group The Dublin Garden Trail (DGT) consists of Ireland’s most distinguished private gardens in the greater Dublin area – some of them world-famous and others secret gems, whose discovery has been the highlight of many a Garden Tour.


European Boxwood Topiary Society Our aims are to encourage, improve and extend the cultivation of boxwood and to disseminate knowledge of box and topiary, in all its forms, by means of publications, promotions, exhibitions, scientific research, European co-operation and exchange, conferences and visits, various meetings and other appropriate activities.


Garden Club Listings We would love to hear from you If you are a Garden Club Speaker, we would love to list you. If you are a Gardening Club, we would love to list you


Garden Organic Our charity brings together thousands of people who share a common belief - that organic growing is essential for a healthy and sustainable world. Through campaigning, advice, community work and research, our aim is to get everyone growing ‘the organic way’.


Gardener's Royal Benevolent Society  Better known today as Perennial is governed by a Board of Trustees who serve on a voluntary basis. They are drawn from a variety of professions, but all have a common objective of providing the very best in support services to those in need in horticulture.


Heather Society On 31 December 2020 The Heather Society(THS) ceased to exist as a charity registered in England and Wales by consensus among its members.  A new not-for-profit association, known simple as Heather Society(HS) is to be established, if enough committee members can be found, to continue the work of THS with emphasis on the promotion of heathers as garden-worthy plants.


The Hebe Society promotes the cultivation and conservation of hebes and other New Zealand native plants. It was formed in 1985 by a group of enthusiastic gardeners and nurserymen, under the auspices of the Royal Horticultural Society. The role of the Society is to stimulate an interest in hebes and other New Zealand native plants.



Historic Roses Group The Historic Roses Group is a friendly international group of rose enthusiasts, run by volunteers and funded by subscriptions from our members throughout the world.


International Water Lily & Water Gardening Society The International Water lily and Water Gardening Society promotes knowledge, leadership, and standards of excellence in water gardening and related aquatic plant areas. The Society is a non-profit organization of multinational membership dedicated to the furtherance of all aspects of water gardens and their associated plants. As an organization we support and promote education, research, and conservation in these areas.


Irish Garden Plant Society The inaugural meeting of the Irish Garden Plant Society took place on 7th July 1981, a draft constitution was discussed, amended and adopted and a committee elected. We take the lead in researching, finding and propagating Irish plants to ensure their survival. We research great Irish gardens and garden history. We have a hands-on role in a number of garden restoration projects. We actively promote Irish horticulture, with recognition for our exhibits at major international shows, including the Chelsea Flower Show. Last but not least, we enjoy Irish gardens through regular talks, lectures, workshops and garden visits.


National Auricula and Primula Society


National Dahlia Society The National Dahlia Society was formed in 1881 and for over a century has given unbroken service to gardeners interested in this wonderful flower. We are now a registered charity, which seeks to promote the dahlia by means of exhibitions (shows), trials and conferences. We are the world’s largest all-dahlia society


National Gardens scheme


National Sweet Pea Society If you want to find out more about Sweet Peas and Lathyrus Species, this is the right place for it.  The National Sweet Pea Society is the premier charity dedicated to these wonderful flowers.  You will find lots about our history, achievements, events, hints and inspiration for growing Sweet Peas and Lathyrus Species, in fact, a complete overview of our purpose and activities. 


Norfolk Organic Group


North of England Horticultural Society The Harrogate Flower Shows are organised by the North of England Horticultural Society. All profits from the shows are returned to the charity and used to promote gardening and horticulture in the North of England.


Plant Heritage We are the only national charity to ensure the cultivated plants we grow now will be available to future generations for cultural, medical, culinary and aesthetic use. We do this through the National Plant Collection scheme, our Plant Guardians and our local group network.


Plantlife Our focus is lasting positive change for wild flowers, plants and fungi. They are the life support for all our wildlife, and their colour and character light up our landscapes. But without our help, this priceless natural heritage is in danger of being lost.


RHS Lily Group


Royal Forestry Society For more than 135 years, the RFS has dedicated itself to sharing knowledge on the art and science of woodland management so that the accumulated wisdom and experience of landowners, foresters, arborists and others is transferred from one generation to another.


Scottish Rock Garden Club We at the Scottish Rock Garden Club pride ourselves in being one of the world's friendliest, most forward looking and open plant societies. The Club was originally formed in 1933, and has more recently become a Scottish Charity doing what it has always done since the beginning which is to create an interest in rock garden plants and encourage their cultivation.


The Alpine Garden Society We are an international, UK based, charitable organisation primarily concerned with the cultivation of alpine and mountain plants from around the world. The AGS is also involved in the study and conservation of alpine plants in the wild.


The Gardens Trust


The National Begonia Society You really need to be a member to access the wealth of information on this website and it is a little difficult to navigate - great shame great society.


The Pelargonium and Geranium Society


The Royal National Rose Society Formed in 2017 to serve The Rose, the Nation’s favourite flower and to help those who love her, grow, and enjoy the Queen of Flowers.


The Wildflower Trust We are a national society created specifically for amateur botanists and wild flower lovers in Britain and Ireland. During the spring, summer and early autumn months we hold field meetings where local leaders conduct guided walks which show off wild plants in their natural habitats.


The Wildlife Trusts We are a grassroots movement that believes we need nature and it needs us. More than 850,000 members and 35,000 volunteers work together with their Wildlife Trust to make their local area wilder and make nature part of life, for everyone.


The Woodland Trust


The Wexford Garden Trai l had the pleasure of using the site many years ago, it covers all the gardens in Wexford along with numerous garden centres. The site contains many useful contacts and telephone numbers. 






Gardening with Disabilities Trust – https://www.gardeningwithdisabilitiestrust.org.uk/


Hardy Plant Society


Home Grown is the website for British growers, with lots of information about how the trade is growing plants in the greenest way possible.


Plant Heritage –  https://www.nccpg.com/


The National Vegetable Society –http://www.nvsuk.org.uk/


The Orchid Society of Great Britain The Orchid Society of Great Britain is a club for anyone who grows orchids, whether on a windowsill or professionally, providing a place for members to meet socially, to show their orchids, acquire new ones, and to learn about them with lectures, a journal, a library, exhibiting at shows and cultural advice.


The Royal Horticultural Society 80 Vincent Square, London SW1P 2PE Telephone 020 3176 5800


 The IUCN UK Peatland Programme exists to promote peatland restoration in the UK and advocates the multiple benefits of peatlands through partnerships, strong science, sound policy and effective practice.




While researching information about Plectranthus I came across a very good site for information about Plants of South Africa with literally hundreds of records of interesting native plants.


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