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Kightshayes gardens use their loofa in the kitchen


Knightshayes Court Staff harvest and use their own Loofahs

Knightshayes Court staff use their own Loofahs


Over the years we have often called in at Knightshayes Court to both enjoy the gardens and have a meal on our way further south to my sisters. Last summer Kitchen garden supervisor Bev Todd grew Luffa cylindrica a vine member of the cucumber family. Over the autumn the fruits were dried and matured and now they are set to play their part in helping the garden achieve its aims of reducing its dependency on plastic by cutting the Loofahs into washing up sponges. They expect to make around fifty from the harvested fruits. They will be used in the staff kitchens as an alternative to plastic sponges and their environmental impact. Any surplus sponges will be sold via the on site shop.


We could all try growing our own sponges. Most leading seeds-men offers seeds which can be germinated under glass for planting out when all danger of frost is passed. They are best grown in a warm sunny position sheltered away from damaging winds and are generally easy to grow and good fun.


(C) Howard Drury 04/02/2020

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