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Black Poplars in risk of being lost as females only number 300



Populus nigra kz1

It is thought there are fewer than 7,000 Black Poplars left in the country today, and just 300 of those are female trees.

Horticulture week have reported that Milton Keynes City Council worked with Community Trees:MK to make the project happen. Emberton Country Park is a good environment to cultivate the rare Black Poplar as it has more than 200 acres of parkland including the kind of river and wetland habitats that provide ideal conditions for Poplars to grow and thrive. An equal mix of female and male trees will be planted.

Cabinet member for the public realm, Cllr Jennifer Wilson-Marklew, said: “We are delighted to play our part in bringing 100 Black Poplar trees to Milton Keynes, our fantastic city of trees, and especially to Emberton Country Park which so many local people enjoy for its brilliant wildlife and walks. 

“The Park is a great place for these trees to thrive and pollinate, and we expect future generations to see this British variety go from strength to strength locally. We’re committed to biodiversity in our city, and these trees will become a useful home to a diverse range of species. It’s a fitting tribute to Alan Holmes’ work and dedication to see these trees planted in Milton Keynes.”

Funding for the planting was sourced with the help of Community Trees:MK from the Local Nature Partnership for Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes, coming from a legacy fund for the late Alan Holmes.

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