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On Line Chrysanthemum publication


It gives me great pleasure to write a few words recommending this, the first e-Book, published under the banner of the National Chrysanthemum Society, to you.

The author Ivor Mace needs no introduction from me being probably the leading amateur exhibitor of his generation be it with his beloved large exhibition chrysanthemums, leeks, onions, roses or carnations, whichever of these Ivor turns his hand to he is a force to be reckoned with.

The days of the head gardener and “muck and mystery” regimes are gone, and Ivor details his methods of growing late chrysanthemums in detail and in the last chapter other national growers contribute their knowledge of the various sections of the chrysanthemum classification to augment the words of Ivor. Modern cultivars have been improved immeasurably by our hybridisers and this book will hopefully enable you to get the best out of these.

You will find the contents of the e-book easy to read and understand if you are new to growing the chrysanthemum, conversely many an established grower will find “nuggets” of information to increase their prior knowledge of growing our favourite flower.

This is a book for all chrysanthemum enthusiasts and amateur horticulturalists generally.

Roger Brownbridge


National Chrysanthemum Society

January 2022.

This is an electronic book in PDF format, and not a physical book. On purchasing, you will be instructed of how to download your book.

5th edition published 25/02/2021

  • The authors of this publication have combined experience of over 70 years chrysanthemum cultivation.
  • We believe this e-book is a global first on the subject of chrysanthemums.
  • The e-book contains broad coverage - from Large Exhibition to Fantasies and Early disbuds to Hardy Garden and everything in between.
  • The book boasts over 450 pages packed with advice and guidance and literally hundreds of photographs  and illustrations.
  • We have contributions from four current U.K. National Champions.
  • At 20mb the e-book requires no more space on your computer than a handful of high quality digital photos.

Clare Foggett, Editor Garden News, writes about the e-book …

“You do not need to read far to realise what depth of knowledge and expertise has gone into writing it”

“ … you know the advice inside these pages is top-notch.”

“ … it’s also in-depth and detailed, yet delivered in simple language and straightforward terms, with excellent explanatory photos that help make sense of all aspects of chrysanthemum growing.”

“Everything you need to know to grow chrysanthemums successfully is explained in these pages, making it the perfect reference for anyone growing these addictive plants for the first time, as well as a must-have for the seasoned grower.”

“The word ‘ultimate’ is over-used these days, but I really do believe that Chrysanthemums - The Ultimate E-book, is worthy of its ‘ultimate’. “

“ … definitely the only chrysanthemum book you’ll need to buy.”


Click here to be transferred to the E-Book page of the National Chrysanthemum Society Website, click on add to cart to purchase.

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