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Council Bans Daffodils

Daffodils Kings Heath Park 1

Daffodils in King's Heath Park by Avenue Road, yes blooms do get picked and taken home, yes some are vandalized by deheading them, but they are part of the Park, yet nobody has eaten them.

Now that's just daff-t: Council bans daffodils in case people EAT them with hundreds of blooms chopped down in Cornish parks

A council has been branded 'totally bonkers' after it said it would stop planting daffodils for health and safety reasons - in case children eat them.

St Blaise Town Council, in Cornwall, has also denied cutting more than 1,000 of the flowers down after residents planted them in a park. 

The local authority has also said it would not plant new daffodil bulbs in future in light of a recent health and safety training course. 


The daffodils were recently discovered cut down or pulled up, which the council denied it had done.

Barry West, chairman of Roselyon Residents Group Committee, in the town of St Blaise, said the decision not to plant daffodils in the future was 'bonkers' and the most 'preposterous' thing he had heard in his 60 years. 

Daffodils can be toxic to humans and can cause severe vomiting and diarrhoea.

St Blaise Town Council in Cornwall, denied cutting more than 1,000 of them down after residents planted some of the flowers at Polgover Park. Pictured: The daffodils at Polgover Park, known locally as Old Roselyon Play Park, in St Blazey, Cornwall

The daffodils were recently discovered cut down or pulled up (pictured) which St Blaise Town Council denied responsibility for.

As Cornwall basked in glorious spring sunshine, visitors said the park, known locally as Old Roselyon Play Park, looked beautiful in yellow and white as the daffodils bloomed and nicknamed it Daffodil Walk. 

Mr West said: 'Are they going to put signs up saying don't eat the daffodils next? This is totally bonkers. There have always been daffs in the park.

'It used to be an old orchard and there must have been about 1,000 flowers. Most of them have now been cut down.

'And to say that it's because they are toxic to children if they eat them is crazy.'

Mr West said that in his 60 years on this earth he had never heard anything so 'preposterous'.

Mr West added: 'It is uplifting and good for the mental health and well-being of the community, the elderly, the infirm, families, carers and children who enjoy the splash of colour and fragrance.

'The true beauty of flowers is that they can help us create deep connections, strengthening bonds with nature, family, friends, and the community spaces and people around us.

'All over Cornwall this year has been ablaze with the golden yellow from daffodils that brings warmth and a smile to all that see.'

Only last month, as Cornwall basked in glorious spring sunshine, visitors said the park, known locally as Old Roselyon Play Park, looked beautiful in yellow and white as the daffodils bloomed

While it is true that daffodils can be toxic if ingested, Mr West said he's never heard of children eating them. 

Dr Mark Evans, from the South West Health Protection Unit, said: 'Daffodils are toxic and severe vomiting and diarrhoea can occur if eaten by mistake.

'Although very unpleasant, most people will recover fully without treatment.'

St Blaise Town Council confirmed it would no longer plant daffodils for health and safety reasons after recent play park inspection training.

Town clerk Gaynor Mamo said that if daffodils had been cut down it was nothing to do with the local authority.

Barry West, pictured, chairman of Roselyon Residents Group Committee in the town of St Blaise, said the decision not to plant daffodils in the future was 'bonkers' and accused council bosses of health and safety madness

Ms Mamo said: 'The daffodils at Polgover/Old Roselyon Play Area are still there.'

She did confirm that no more daffodils would be planted in the future, and the area where the flowers are now will be cut down at the end of the season.

Ms Mamo added: 'After recent play inspection training we were advised not to have daffodils in play areas as all parts of the daffodil can be poisonous.

'I brought this to the attention of the town council who said no more daffs should be planted but those that were there before the land was devolved to us would stay.

'The daffs are sporadic over a grassed area and once the flowers have died the grass will be cut.'

Mr West said: 'I'm just bewildered by their decision. This is the craziest thing I have heard. Children don't eat daffodils.

'The community will be really sad and disappointed when daffodils bring so much joy to so many.

'The ivy growing along the wall is poisonous. Eating the rubber from the play park climbing frame is poisonous. Where do you stop?'

(C) Mail online 2022 This is reproduced to show the shere stupidity of some especially so-called advisers and Councillors, no infringement of copyright is intended.

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