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RHS to Kickstart National Gardening Week.

RHS Garden Day to kick start sharing the joy of gardening theme for 2022 National Gardening Week

RHS Wisley

The RHS will kick start the 2022 National Gardening Week on RHS Garden Day on Monday 2 May with mini festivals at four newly created community gardens in each of the home nations – England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

This year the theme for National Gardening Week, which runs to Sunday 8 May, is sharing the joy of gardening and the RHS is calling on people to share images on their social media channels that capture their love of gardening, using the hashtag #nationalgardeningweek to encourage other people to grow plants and garden.

Over National Gardening Week activities will take place at all five of the RHS Gardens at RHS Wisley in Surrey, RHS Bridgewater in Salford, RHS Harlow Carr in Yorkshire, RHS Hyde Hall in Essex and RHS Rosemoor in Devon. These will include making Flower Crowns.

RHS Rosemoor

Earlier this year, the RHS launched a new community grant scheme for communities and schools to apply for RHS Community Gardens*, where a leading Garden Designer will work with local communities to transform a space for the benefit of local people and to share the joy of gardening.

The RHS received hundreds of applications from across the UK and the winners will be announced in the coming weeks.

The new Community Gardens will be central to the RHS celebrating and sharing the joy of gardening and to the charity’s commitment to make gardening accessible to all.

The RHS hopes community gardening groups, organisations, families and individuals will share the joy of gardening however it works best for them, from grandparents getting grandchildren round to sow seeds and communities getting together to grow plants and maintain gardens; to nurturing your house plant, having a garden party or simply sitting in your favourite green space and having a cup of tea and sharing plant tips with a friend.

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