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UK fruit and vegetables left rotting in the fields

UK vegetables are rotting in fields due to picker and driver shortages


In parts of the UK, vegetables are being left to rot in fields due to a chronic crop picker and driver shortage. Guy Moreton, CEO of MorePeople, which specializes in hiring food service supervisory and management roles, said the government's restrictions on foreign workers are to blame.


Harvesting lettuce in field

"We need five to ten times as many people as the Government is letting in at the moment,' he has stated. 'All of my clients, and I have hundreds of clients, are all short of people, with some of them hundreds of people a day short. It is an absolute disgrace that they are leaving perfectly good food in the fields because they can't pick it. If they get it picked, they often can't get it to the depot because of the chronic shortage of drivers."

"The government's lack of flexibility on this is appalling, I think they've got this wrong, and they are not listening."

Labour shortage threatens fruit and veg supply

It comes amid a wider crisis across the food supply chain caused by a lack of workers and HGV drivers and congestion at global trading ports.

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