Getting Excited!
Getting really excited as my delivery of seeds, onion sets and shallots arrived today and there are several items I need to be working on to get a good early start.
I will be potting up individually my shallots to get a good start, I was always taught to plant on the shortest day and harvest on the longest.
Andrea loves her sweet peas, so I shall be sowing them in out my Vitapod electric propagator, two seeds per 3" pot and stopping them as soon as they are around 75 cm (3" tall. Then they will be grown on cool.
Kings always have a good selection each year and grow their own seed around the Kelvedon area close to their offices and seed warehouse. I always look forward to seeing what new, ideally highly fragrant varieties they are introducing.
Kings Seeds, Monks Farm, Coggeshall Road, Kelvedon, Colchester CO5 9PG Telephone 01376 570000 Website Kings Seeds